Cleveland Apple Festival

The Cleveland Apple Festival is an annual family event that is held each fall in downtown Cleveland, Tennessee.
Little Miss & Miss Apple Blossom Contests:
Little Miss Apple BlossomGirls 5-12 years of age are invited this year to compete for the titles of Little Miss Apple Blossom, Jr. Miss Apple Blossom and Miss Apple Blossom. Each contestant will need to dress in their best farm or country girl outfit. Judging will be based on costume, personality and presentation.
Apple Dessert Contest:
We are looking for the best homemade apple dessert in the valley! We’ll be judging the desserts at The Cleveland Apple Festival in downtown Cleveland at the Gazebo and the winners will be announced from the stage.
Other Activities:
Hay Rides
Pony Rides
Juried Art and Craft Show
Live Music
Food Booths
Children’s Activities
All children’s activities in the Trailhead Bicycle Kid’s Zone are free to children 12 and under including pony rides! The Cleveland Apple Festival is held each year on the Bradley County Courthouse Square.