Dogwood Acre's Family Farm Fall Festival

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Dogwood Acres Family Farm is a locally-owned garden center in Middletown, NY. Join us for our annual Halloween Festival.

Daily Hayrides
Haunted Barn
Hay Maze
Farm Animals
Country Fair Midway
Barrel Rides
Seasonal Treats
Family Fun & More

Get your fall bulbs, decor, mums, and pumpkins. New items arriving daily. Come visit your friends for all your fall needs.

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.

Latest Reviews

  • My family has been going here for years for the festival. We haven't been in a while because my children are now in their 20's. We were thinking of taking a hayride again for fun. They give you carrots to feed the cows, they actually chase the hayride up a hill to get those carrots, LOL. A really sweet place with barrel rides and pony rides, we did it all. My sons remember with fondness. I hope it didn't change. The family who runs it are very nice and the flowers we bought from them were top notch and we never had any issues with the quality of the plants.

    Posted Sep 2024

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