Mr. Gourdman's Pumpkin Patch

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Mr. Gourdman's a one of a kind patch isolated away from traffic in a natural setting on a 15 acre lake, at a working horse ranch. Great fun for the whole family, make this a October to remember...come visit Mr. Gourdman's Pumpkin Patch in Wichita Kansas. See if your navigation skills can help you find your way through our hay maze. If you run into a tombstone you have hit a dead end and need to turn around and try again.

Nice variety of pumpkins of all sizes for the picky, enjoy finding the perfect pumpkin in our Wichita pumpkin patch or see if one catches your eye as you walk around Mr. Gourdmans.


Tunnel Slide
Corn Maze
Mulch Mountain
Giant Sand Box and Mulch pile
Playground Equipment (swings, teeter totters)
Tractor hay ride to pumpkin patch
Picnic Area
Campfire Pit

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
Mr Gourdman’s Pumpkin Patch in Wichita, KS

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